The Equity & Excellence Project
Education is arguably the best and most impactful way to create equal opportunities for children, families and communities to succeed. Unfortunately, some are too often left outside of educational possibilities and are left behind by poorly funded, inequitable school systems.
The Greater Phoenix Urban League’s initiatives support local and state advocacy, engagement and reform/innovation efforts, in concert with the National Urban League’s Equity & Excellence Project. Together with the City of Phoenix and surrounding communities, we work to help children and young adults transform their education and get the education they need.
We share a vision that students, parents and community stakeholders can all work together to create a shared idea of education innovation that expands and deepens opportunity, upends inequity, accelerates progress and delivers more fully on the promise of public education.

And if you’re wondering just how valuable an education truly is, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that as educational attainment rises, unemployment rates decrease and earnings increase.
More education simply leads to better prospects for earnings and employment. The goal for the Phoenix Urban League is clear — more education opens the gateway to better, higher paying jobs.
Head Start
Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start Program Philosophy
Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start’s promotes high quality comprehensive services tailored to meet the needs of eligible children and families in our communities. We provide a positive learning environment that equips children with skills to develop social emotional competencies, school readiness success and encourage life-long learning.
Our teachers regard early childhood experiences with the respect and commitment those experiences deserve. The staff works in collaboration with parents who are the child’s first teacher to support the school readiness process.

Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start Program Values
Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start operates with the core values of the National Head Start. We are committed to providing equitable services to empower children, families, and staff, by providing compassion, collaboration, quality, communication and honesty.
- Communication: to share and receive meaningful information in a timely manner with mutual understanding.
- Compassion: to serve with respect, empathy and dignity.
- Collaboration: Foster partnerships with the larger community to support our comprehensive services. Quality
- Quality: dedicate our efforts and our resources to provide comprehensive services with unyielding determination.
- Honesty: be accountable to uphold ethical integrity in all our actions
Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start’s Vision
A child is a unique individual. The childcare environment will respect the child’s developmental needs. A child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and creative needs must be met. Head Start provides a developmentally appropriate classroom that is rich in cultural values and individual backgrounds of the home and family. We encourage children to express their creativity and we provide hands-on activities that encourage children to problem-solve. The environment is clean, safe and well-planned. Parents are partners with teachers in providing guidance and encouraging the children to interact with their learning environment. The success of each child in Head Start is our primary goal. Children will experience a variety of individualized and group activities. Head Start classrooms provide the following learning centers: DRAMATIC PLAY * SCIENCE * MUSIC & MOVEMENT * BLOCK PLAY * CREATIVE MEDIA (art, play dough etc…) * READING / WRITING * COMPUTER and MANIPULATIVE PLAY (puzzles, small Math Legos etc…)
Click here for the Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start Parent Handbook 2022-2023
Click here for the Greater Phoenix Urban League Head Start Manual Para Padres 2022-2023
Click here for the City of Phoenix Birth to Five School Readiness Goals

Registration Contact Information
City of Phoenix Birth to Five Program:
(602) 262-4040
GPUL Administration Office:
1402 S. 7th Ave. Phoenix AZ 85007
(602) 276-9305
Pendergast Office:
3802 N. 91st Ave Phoenix AZ 85037
Cartwright Office:
5480 W. Campbell Ave Phoenix AZ 85031
Barry Childhood Center Office:
2533 N. 60th Ave Phoenix AZ 85035
*The Head Start program is funded by the US Administration on Children Youth and Families Division of Health and Human Services. Program is operated on a non-discriminatory basis.
Eligibility Requirements
The following documents are needed for enrollment:
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Up-to-Date Immunization-Shot Record or Health Department Issued Exemption Card
- Child’s Health Insurance
- Child’s Up-to-Date Physical (Including HGB, Lead & TB)
- Child’s Up-to-Date Dental Exam
- Parent/Guardian Photo I.D.
- Proof of Income for the last 12 months (i.e.: W-2 or 1040, TANF Letter, Child Subsidy Letter, Unemployment Letter of SSI Award Letter)
Men All Need to be Caring, Actively-Engaged, Vested & Encouraged
A father’s love is forever imprinted on his child’s heart – Jennifer Williamson
Welcome to M.A.N.C.A.V.E., a fatherhood program created in partnership between the Greater Phoenix Urban League, the City of Phoenix and My Brother’s Keeper. The Greater Phoenix Urban League is committed to addressing the needs and obstacles of children by increasing male involvement by equipping fathers and male role models with the tools, experiences and support they need to have positive relationships with their children and families.
M.A.N.C.A.V.E teaches fathers and male role models:
- How to create safe, loving, stable and nurturing families
- Positive discipline tools taught through a uniquely father-friendly method for successful child behavior management
- Effective family communication techniques to strengthen the father-child and father-mother relationships.
- How to use proven, effective strategies for conflict resolution and problem solving
- How to achieve cooperation and teamwork in family life

Men All Need to be Caring,
Actively–Engaged, Vested and Encouraged:
A program designed to engage fathers with an
intentional focus on family outcomes and child
To improve the well-being of children by
increasing the number of children growing up with
engaged, committed, and responsible fathers or
male role models.
MC seeks to take a leadership role and
encourages positive relationships of fathers and
male role models with their children. We
promote the importance of nurturing fathers and
mothers, parenting, and Healthy Marriages, and
in doing so, improve the lives of children and
- Fathers and Male Role Models
- BI-Strategic Parenting
- A Call to Men
- Nurturing Fathers Program
- Marriage and Parenting Program
- Nurturing through Brain-Based Science
- National Dads Matter Project
- Active & engaging learning experiences
- Resources and training in Parenting Skills,
Healthy Marriage, & Economic Mobility - Father / Child engagement activities
- Volunteer Opportunities for Male Role Models