Greater Phoenix Urban League Youth Services
Empowering youth to become architects of their own success is our driving force. We achieve this by offering a comprehensive strategy that encompasses job readiness training, career coaching, financial literacy, career exploration, internships, and college opportunities, positioning youth for a future filled with achievement and purpose.
Our Summer Youth Employment Program offers youth aged 16 – 21 a 5-week paid internship experience. Each participant is assigned a counselor to support their work experience. In addition to earning $15 per hour, participants who complete the required 110 hours of work and job readiness workshops receive an additional $500 at the end of the program.
Interested in being a worksite host for our program?
Your private or nonprofit business can be a potential work site for young adults aged 16 -21 at NO COST for five weeks. The Greater Phoenix Urban League will cover the wages and program costs. Sign up today to give back and provide meaningful work experience and mentorship to our youth participants.
For additional questions, please e-mail us at youthservices@gphxul.org.