The Greater Phoenix Urban League is a HUD-approved housing agency, recognized for excellence in providing housing education programs throughout the Valley of the Sun. Our goal is to help local families secure and maintain safe and affordable housing.
We provide the following housing related services:
- Foreclosure Counseling
- First Time Homebuyer Education-workshops are offered on a regular basis, as well as online
- Supportive Housing Services

Provide supportive housing services to clients in Affordable Low-Income Apartments:
- Carry out needs assessment of residents, constructing an appropriate and customized services plan that identifies services/benefits that best flt their needs;
- Provide direct services such as financial coaching/counseling, information and referrals, and translation assistance;
- Develop on-going cooperative network of government and social service agencies;
- Serve as an advocate and liaison for residents with service agencies and/or property management;
- Assists residents in identifying the services and benefits needed to maintain independence, self-sufficiency, life satisfaction and well-being.
2025 Home Buyer Education Workshop Class Schedule
January 25
February 15
March 22
April 19
May 19
June 28
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 13
Coming Soon:
The Greater Phoenix Urban League Community Loan Fund LLC to assist and promote affordable housing in the state of Arizona.
We provide services aimed at providing housing stability to low-income seniors and families who may be experiencing increased barriers to housing, such as:
- Low Income
- Separated Families
- Domestic Violence
- Unemployed or Underemployed
- Previous Poor Credit History
- Previous Criminal History

Our HUD-certified housing counselors and resident service coordinators provide on-site supportive services at a number of Low Income Tax Credit (LIHTC) affordable housing communities throughout the Valley of the Sun.
The League also partners with the City of Phoenix and the State of Arizona in implementing the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program (NFMC) to assist distressed homeowners.